Saturday, September 6, 2008

Fast Post here


I've moved out of my Home and into an Apartment with Sara. Is it good? Yes Is it different? Yes

Call me if you want to see the apartment.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Punisher: War Zone Trailer!

So awesome!!!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So I got my allergy test done and boy was it not that fun.

The test results are in, I'm allergic to:
P-mite-out of 15 on the allergy scale I was a 13.
Cat Hair
Dog Hair

and a sensitivity to eggs.

I got in for another test because I tested positive for so many. I'm going to be tested for more weeds and more foods plus cockaroachs. (yea, its weird.)

In other news I have a new car a 2005 Ford Focus. It is in the shop for get some of its interior redone because I wouldn't buy it unless it was done.

In somemore news I haven't been to church lately because I've been working some crazy hours since I'm now a backup bookeeper. It is going to get worse when our stock gets liquidated sometime in the near future.

Yes, my store Albertsons in going to become a Publix.

I hope tonight is a goodnight.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Prayer

My prayer goes out to the family of Steven Curtis Chapman. One of his daughters was killed in a car accident. It seriously just shocks me when people are just removed from the earth just like that. I do know that the young girl who was killed will be with God in heaven and I know it was her time.

No one can truly understand death.

May you understand God is the bigger plan.

Here is the story on

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Web Design

I've decided to get my B.S. degree in web design because the companies who pay extremely well need that type of education. I can't wait to learn everything that I don't really know yet. I'm having a hard time looking for which college to go to I though USF would have a program but I guess not. I might have to go to Tampa and go to a college that credits may not transfer but if i'm staying there after I get my A.S. degree then it shouldn't really matter.

Another concern will be paying for it but no matter what happens getting this degree will set my future on the right track.

Pray for me and Sara.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Raised from the Dead


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A long time

So It has been a few since i've posted here so i'm gonig to recap some stuff i've been thinking about:

  • Punisher: War zone got pushed back to December 5th and I think it will make the movie much better.
  • Summer movie season starts this thursday with Iron Man.
  • The new Dark Knight trailer = wicked sweet
  • Glad school is almost done with the last exam I have tomorrow.
  • GTA IV looks sweet but I think its a very weak premise for a game.
  • I need 6 more DVDs to complete my nooma collection well 7 more when 20 shells comes out in June.
  • Felt distance with God because of work I have work when I want to go to church but Sunday made me feel great and in the right place.
  • Read one of the coolest quotes in the Bible a few days ago its from Exodus.

Exodus 33: 18-23

Then Moses said, "Please, let me see Your glory."

He said, "I will cause all My goodnes to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim the name Yahweh before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion." But He answered, " You cannot see My face, for no one can see Me and live." The LORD said, "Here is a place near Me. You are to stand on the rock, and when My glory passes by, I will put you in the crevice of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will take My hand away, and you will see My back, but My face will not be seen."

May this show you GOD's glory and you realize life is nothing without him.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Nooma is a great video series hosted by the Mars Hill Church. It is a study series that focuses on many topics like prayer, love, anger when relating to christians.

You can get them for free at itunes or you can buy the dvds at your christian bok stores.

Have a great easter

Here is the nooma video called Sunday

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Punisher: War Zone

I can't wait for this movie here are some seriously awesome stills that might tickle your fancy. September 11 and 12 are two days no one can bother me lol. I am def going to see this movie at 12:00 A.M.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Yes, We can

I believe our nation needs change and I believe Obama can do just that. We don't need to be in a war we need to fight poverty, hunger, and dieases in our country. We need to make new fuel sources and gain our currency more ground so we don't lose this great nation. We need to unite and under GOD we can stand strong under obama we can win the utimate war. Color should have no issue his name shouldn't either his speech and his promises to the country should and his motto "change" says it all. This video is a very good video made by

Monday, February 18, 2008


My first blog post! Woot

My reasons for making my blog well its to share my ideas and thoughts on many things like games, life, and music plus many more things.

Also wanted to show people the great process of my marriage to my beautiful love Sara.

I will be posting many more things as time comes so check back won't ya